The Top 5 Reasons Creative Business Owners Join The Writer’s Room

Blogging in your business is one of those things that always sounds like a good idea… until you’re staring at a blank Google Doc with a blinking cursor and zero inspiration and a million other things on your to-do list.

As a blog writer and strategist for creative business owners and service providers, I hear this ALL the time. 

“I want to start blogging in my business, but I have no clue where to start.”

“Blogging in my business sounds fun, but I’m not sure what to write about.”

“I want to blog for my business, but I don’t really have the time to do it.”

After hearing those things over and over again, I finally did something about it. I created a done-with-you blog writing membership, The Writer’s Room, designed to help creative business owners and service providers finally make blogging a consistent and strategic part of their marketing (without having to spend hours on it).

After a year of the membership, it’s now so obvious to me WHY people join – and everyone has a different reason. Keep reading to learn the top 5!

The Top 5 Reasons People Join The Writer’s Room: A Done-with-you Blog Writing Membership 

  • They want to make blogs a core part of their marketing (WITHOUT spending hours on it every week)

Many business owners know that blogging can be a powerful marketing tool, but the idea of spending hours each week writing, editing, and brainstorming content feels impossible.

Alllll of that on top of allll the other stuff you have going on in your business, it’s totally normal to feel like you can’t possibly add another thing to your plate.

But that’s why people join The Writer’s Room – so they can make blogging a consistent, strategic part of their marketing without it taking over their schedule or feeling like a looming to-do list item that you dread each week. 

With your membership, you get access to:

  • Bi-monthly trainings (hosted by me - Natty!) centered around marketing, blogging, email marketing, and more 💻

  • Quarterly Guest expert calls, featuring industry adjacent guests that I personally know, work with, and trust, like Sarah Burk, Emelie Sanders, Katie Creative Co, and more 👩🏻‍💻

  • Weekly Co-writing Wednesdays to lean into the power of body doubling and hold you accountable for consistent writing in your business ✍🏼

  • Quarterly Blog Content Planning Parties so you can have a strategic blog plan every single quarter ready to implement with ease 🎉

  • Writing Resource Vault with all of my best blogging and writing resources in one place that you can access anytime you need 🔐

All of those things give you the resources, support, and accountability you need to create and publish high-impact content each week without the overwhelm.

  • They finally want to prioritize long form content creation in their business. 

Have you ever told yourself you’d “make time” to write that blog or write that newsletter for your business? And then somehow the week (or month) passed without a single word written?

Been there. 

It’s SO easy to put content creation for YOUR business last. And it makes sense… as a business owner or service provider, of course you want your clients to come first. After all, they’re who pay the bills right?

But a hill that I’ll die on is that your client is NOT more important than your own content. 

And no, this doesn’t mean that you’re suddenly going to start neglecting your clients. I know you would never!

It simply means that you’re going to make time for BOTH because your business deserves more than 30 second videos on social media that only last a few hours. 

Your business deserves content that will work FOR YOU over time – and that’s blog content. The Writer’s Room is where you finally get to prioritize it!

  • They need the accountability of built-in writing time each week. 

Oftentimes in life or business, we’ll commit to doing something – whether it be eating healthier, going to the gym, marketing on Pinterest, OR finally making blogging a priority – BUT THEN, the follow through to actually do that thing consistently can be the hard part. 

And that’s where the need for accountability comes in! When it comes to blog writing specifically, without accountability, it’s all too common to push it to the bottom of your to-do list week after week.

Because after all, no one is checking in to make sure you wrote a blog post each week…

UNLESS, you’re a Writer’s Room member. 😉

Then that becomes my job! 

While I would never shame you for not writing a blog (or other piece of long form content) each week, I WILL always encourage you and give you a dedicated space to do so. 

In The Writer’s Room, you get built-in, dedicated writing time every week with Co-writing Wednesday, so you don’t have to rely on willpower alone to stay consistent.

Instead, you show up, write alongside others, and actually get it done – no more empty promises to “write when there’s time.”

  • They want to be the ones that write their content, but really enjoy personalized feedback and strategy.

In business, you hear a lot of chatter about outsourcing various business tasks and while I’m definitely a big fan of that, there are just some things that *I* would rather do – and one of those is writing (I mean obviouslyyyy that would be mine, I’m a blog writer after all).

But even if you aren’t a writer by trade, you might also prefer to write your own content for your business, BUT you might also like the opportunity for someone to check your work and give you a gold star before you publish it for the masses!

Wellll, that’s who The Writer’s Room is for – it’s a done-WITH- you (not done-for-you) blog writing membership where you get access to weekly writing feedback where you can submit your content for review and walk away with clear, personalized insights to improve your messaging, structure, and overall content strategy.

OH AND if you’re in need of more 1:1 support with your blogging strategy, as a member, you get access to a Members Only Offer where I will personally plan your blog topics for the quarter based on what’s happening in your business. 

Here’s what current members have to say about that one:

  • They want blogging to work for them (not just be another task they do in business)

Do I want you to implement blogs in your business? You bet! But more than that, I want your blogs to truly fuel the rest of your content and actually work for you – not just be another task that you do. 

And I can honestly say that every single Writer’s Room member has discovered how to make blogs work for *them* and *their* business. 

With The Writer’s Room, I help members start treating their blogs as a foundation for repurposing content across social media, emails, and beyond. Instead of starting from scratch every time you post, you’ll have a system that makes content creation easier and more strategic.

Wanna be a Writer’s Room member?

Because I deeply care about the community aspect of The Writer’s Member, I practice quality control by only opening the membership for enrollment once per quarter. 

If you’re reading this in real time (February 2025), enrollment is NOW OPEN through February 14th. 🥳 

CLICK HERE to get all the membership details and join now!

If you’re reading this after February 14th, you can click the same link to join the waitlist and be notified when enrollment opens next. 

Have a question about the membership? Wondering if it’s a good fit? Send me a DM and we can chat!


Part 4 of 4: How To Make Your Content Writing Easier Using James Clear's 4 Laws of Behavior Change