Part 4 of 4: How To Make Your Content Writing Easier Using James Clear's 4 Laws of Behavior Change

Welcome back to Part 4 of the 4 part blog series where I’m diving into How To Make Your Content Writing Easier Using James Clear’s 4 Laws of Behavior Change!

Before you keep reading, make sure you’re caught up on Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 where I covered Law 1 (make it obvious), Law 2 (make it attractive), and Law 3 (make it easy).

In this blog post, we’re wrapping things up with Law 4 – make it satisfying!

And I’ve gotta be honest, I think this law is my FAVORITE. 

In his book, James Clear emphasizes the importance of immediate rewards in reinforcing a habit. You see, as humans we’re wired to prioritize instant gratification over long-term rewards, so if a habit feels satisfying in the moment, you're more likely to repeat it.

The satisfaction of it creates a positive emotion, which means that the habit is more likely to stick!

While long-term benefits, like building an audience through consistent content writing, can be motivating, they often feel wayyyyyy too far in the instant to really drive create any type of motivation or drive any action. 

INSTEAD, pairing habits with immediate, tangible rewards makes them more enjoyable and helps build consistency.

So, let’s dive into how you can use this law in your favor in order to make content writing more of a habit in 2025!

3 Ways To Make Your Content Writing “Satisfying” So It Becomes a Habit

  • Track your writing consistency ✅

You know when you have a lottttt to do so you start writing your to-do list and you sometimessss sneak something onto the list that you’ve actually already completed just so you can cross it off and feel the satisfaction of seeing it done?

I know I can’t be the only one that does this!

That’s the power of tracking your writing consistency. 

When you’re in the day to day of your business, it’s so easy to feel like you haven’t accomplished much, but if you take a minute to see it all written out you’ll often surprise yourself! 

When you write one piece of content, it might not feel like much, but when you write one piece of content every single week for an entire month? Two months? Three months? A year? Ummmmm, hello!!!! That’s something to be proud of. 

But don’t wait until the year mark to look up and realize what you’ve done. 

Create a way to see your progress week over week!

For me, that simply looks like highlighting my written content on my Notion content calendar so I can visually see what I’ve already created. 

For me, that simply looks like highlighting my written content on my Notion content calendar so I can visually see what I’ve already created. 

It feels SO satisfying when the color goes from white to green and it always gives me a little boost of momentum knowing that I’m actively working on building my blog content bank!

For you, it might be creating a habit tracker of sorts or having a checklist dedicated to your content writing specifically so that you too can see your progress visually and get that immediate sense of accomplishment!

  • Create a post-writing celebration ritual 🎉

I am nothing without a proper celebration and around here I don’t save the celebrating for just the big moments. Nope! Instead, there’s a celebration for all the small things too… including writing a blog post or other piece of content. 

For me, many times the celebration includes some sort of special treat. I am who I am and I love a little treat, okay?

Whether it’s an afternoon coffee, a crispy Coke from Chick-fil-A (I’m a regular coke girlie, NOT diet coke!) or my current sweet fixation (it’s usually any type of gummy candy). Those are all my go-to’s to celebrate a piece of writing. 

Other times, it’s something simple like allowing myself to doomscroll on TikTok once I complete my writing or going on my much anticipated daily walk. 

Essentially what you're doing here is making it a game for yourself and our brains respond really well to gamification!

It’s kind of like in elementary school when you could earn gold stars – we wanted to be on our best behavior so we could earn enough gold stars and then be rewarded. Same concept, except now we’re adults and WE get to choose how we reward ourselves!


  • Promote your content after you publish it 📣

Lastly, an overlooked way to make your content writing satisfying is to ACTUALLY promote it after you publish it. 

I know, it sounds weird, but hear me out… 

If you’re spending so much of your time behind your computer creating all of this amazing content, why wouldn’t you shout about it from the rooftops?

Your audience will only be excited about your content when YOU are excited about it, so if you really want to feel satisfied with your content creation, START TALKING ABOUT IT!

There’s no better feeling than when your audience resonates with what you’ve created, someone tells you that your content helped them, or someone compliments your work. 

It gives you all the warm and fuzzies and makes you feel like the time you spent working on it was ACTUALLY helpful!

When it comes to blog content specifically, a lot of people think that they should only do it for SEO purposes, but if I’m being so for real, I can’t think of anything more boring than writing a blog post just to publish on my website and not do anything else with it…

When you publish a blog post, create a social media post (or multiple) to go with it, talk about it on stories, connect it to your email newsletter for the week, and for SURE share it on Pinterest

This is the content marketing funnel that I follow and teach and I can promise you that your content creation as a whole will start to feel a heck of a lot easier and wayyyyy more fun when you start with blogs first!

Looking for more support for consistent content creation in YOUR business?

Overall, by making your writing and content creation satisfying, the more likely it is to become a habit that you do without much thinking. 

If you’re hoping for 2025 to be the year that you FINALLY prioritize content creation for your business and become truly consistent with it, that’s exactly why The Writer’s Room exists!

With the done-with-you blog writing membership, you receive:

  • Bi-monthly trainings from me (centered around marketing, blogging, email marketing, and more) 💻

  • Quarterly Guest expert calls (featuring industry adjacent guests that I personally know, work with, and trust) 👩🏻‍💻

  • Weekly Co-writing Wednesdays (to hold you accountable for consistent writing in your business) ✍🏼

  • Quarterly Blog Content Planning Parties (so you can have a strategic blog plan ready to implement) 🎉

  • Writing Resource Vault (all of my best writing resources in one place) 🔐

  • Weekly Feedback Accessibility (so you can feel confident in your content creation before you press publish) 📝

  • Slack Community (for access to other members to brainstorm, support, provide feedback, etc.) 👥

CLICK HERE to learn more about The Writer’s Room and join the waitlist to be among the first to know about the next enrollment period!


The Top 5 Reasons Creative Business Owners Join The Writer’s Room


Part 3 of 4: How To Make Your Content Writing Easier Using James Clear's 4 Laws of Behavior Change