Making blogs cool again.

Tired of your content feeling like a chore? It doesn’t have to anymore.

When you implement blog content in your business, you get to work smarter, not harder on every other platform WITHOUT reinventing the wheel.

How do you do it? Well, you’ve got options.

Hi! I’m Natalie - not a regular copywriter, a cool blog writer.

Because blogs don’t have to be boring and they definitely aren’t dead. (I’ve got stats to back that up.)

In a world that's obsessed with all of the fun and trendy things you can do in your business (like post GRWM videos to TikTok and post Threads of your intrusive thoughts in the name of being ~relatable~), I'm obsessed with helping business owners like you commit to the long game content approach through blogs in your business.

Because here’s the thing: there’s more to life than spending your days glued to Instagram and other platforms just hoping that your ideal client will press that follow button.

When you implement blogs first, socials second, you save time, start to enjoy your content creation process again and never have to stress about not showing up on social.

So if you’re thinking that you’re about to read my resume, you’re not.

I don’t have a marketing or journalism degree.

I wasn’t in AP English class with all of my friends.

And in fact, I had been a copywriter for 6 months before I even knew what copywriting was.

Here’s the short of it: My sister owned a business. She needed a content writer. I needed a hobby. 

Insert: my first writing gig!

(Aside from being on the yearbook committee and writing romantic articles about prom at the ripe age of 16 – that plays out I guess.)

A few blog posts turned into Instagram captions and that turned into writing Etsy listings. 

Little did I know that this hobby was an actual thing that people did for a living.


Silly me kept attending my child psychology classes and dreaming about the cute little office I would have one day with a couch and mini fridge as a school counselor.

(From what I hear, that’s not what it’s like at all.)

A few weeks out from college graduation, I realized something that I wish I would’ve realized way sooner…

If I was going to be a counselor, I had to go to grad school. HA!

I wasn’t about to spend more time in school and my parents weren’t about to spend more money to get me there.

Sis to the rescue once again!

Her company needed a content writer (apparently I was one?!) and as someone who was determined to have a job before I walked across the graduation stage, I took it.

A short 3 months later, it was clear that I loved the work, but hated the place.

Turns out, law firms aren’t for me and the people aren’t all that nice – and as a sensitive Susie, I need niceness, okay?

But without that law firm and the mean people (minus my sister and maybe 3 others) that came with it, I would’ve never discovered that you really can write words for a living.

So, I gave up the dream of having a cute counselor’s office and have been writing ever since.

From sales pages and launch sequences for a multi-six-figure online business, to LOTS of Instagram and social captions, to emails and blogs for various business owners (because I don’t industry niche), I figured out what lights me up – and it’s the content that really matters. 

The content that you own.

The content that never expires.

The content that keeps on giving YEARS after it’s been posted.

Blog content.

So, why do you need a blog writer for your business?

There’s a chance you’re in one of two places right now:

1. A debut business owner starting from scratch and you want to make sure you start off on a strong, sustainable foot.

2. An established business owner that’s been at this for awhile, might feel burned out from creating so. much. content. and you want to make sure that your content efforts aren’t for nothing. (I promise you, they aren’t.)

Wherever you fall, you’re probably already doing all of  the “normal” businessy things. 

Posting on social media at least once a day, showing up on stories, connecting in DM’s.

You know… all of the things the gurus make you think are requirements for growing a successful business. 

And those things aren’t necessarily wrong or bad. They’re just not the only way.

Starting a blog for your business to educate and entertain your audience isn’t something that comes after all of those things.

I believe it’s what should actually precede all of them because starting with your long form content FIRST:

  • makes all of your other content creation easier

  • saves you time and energy

  • and gives you the freedom to focus on other things in your biz

Instead of stressing about the next trending sound that hits your feed or the new app that Silicon Valley sends your way…

Basically: I want to help you implement blogs in your business with ease so you can experience all of those things (and more). 



  • I am my best self when the temps drop below 60. I live in Georgia and the humidity doesn’t play. When Fall strikes it’s my time to shine ✨

  • If I had to describe my perfect day it would involve a crisp October morning, pumpkin flavored hot coffee and Gilmore Girls playing in the background.

  • If I ever write words for you, there will without a doubt be alliteration involved.

  • If I didn’t write words for a living, I would be some sort of party or event planner. Creating balloon arches is my hobby, birthdays are a big deal in my house and my people can always count on me to make the itinerary.

  • I quote Mean Girls like it’s my job (but don’t worry, I’m very much not a mean girl) and know all the lyrics to The Mathlete Rap.

“To help business owners be more present and enjoy their life and work WITHOUT being handcuffed to social media by creating content that’s sustainable for the short run AND has longevity for the long run.”



Blogs belong in your business – and I’m here to help you see how.

My meet you where you’re at blog content approach allows you to choose the service that best fits the current season of your business.