10 Low Lift Blog Topic Ideas For Business Owners

One of the biggest misconceptions about blog content is that it has to be some long, drawn out process every single time. Sometimes people think if their blog posts aren’t 2500+ words or if the post doesn’t cover some earth shattering topic then it’s not worth doing. 

But as your blog writing bestie, I’m here to say that couldn’t be further from the truth! I understand why people might think this though. Blog content IS long form content, which means that it’s supposed to be more in depth than a social media post. 

That’s the beauty of blogs! You can go deep into a topic and provide tons of value in one place without being limited to character counts. This is PERFECT for people who don’t know how to tell a long story short. 

But just because blogs are long form content, that doesn’t mean that every. single. post. has to be some insanely long winded, earth shattering topic. The goal isn’t a Nobel Prize. The goal is to educate your audience or bring them value in some capacity – and sometimes the most valuable thing you could bring them is a blog topic that is incredibly low lift for you!

And no, “low lift” doesn’t mean that you’re taking the easy way out. It doesn’t mean that the content isn’t good. It doesn’t mean that you’re treating your blog content like something you need to check off your to-do list either. 

The reality is that sometimes your blog content simply needs to be… well, simple.

I believe that every good blog has a mix of both – incredibly insightful topics that blow your mind along with topics that are a little more straightforward for your audience to read. 

So, here’s your permission to do BOTH! If your blog content calendar is feeling heavy and it’s starting to overwhelm you, that may be a sign you need to throw some low lift topics in the mix. 

And if you aren’t sure what those topics look like, here’s a few ideas to help get you started. ⬇️

10 Low Lift Blog Topic Ideas For Business Owners 

  • Book List

As a business owner, chances are you’ve read quite a few books and you probably have some that you’ve qualified as your “must reads” for anyone that asks. 

If so, share that list of books with your audience! Sure, book recs are everywhere, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t share your two cents. 

But don’t just leave it at a book list. Include your personal insights (sort of like I did here!) too so that people know WHY they should read the books you recommend.

  • Blogs You Love To Binge

Similar to a book list, if you’re anything like me, you might have a few favorite blogs that you love to binge. (Of courseeee I’m biased to blogs!)

Whether it’s a blog from your favorite business owner or service provider, a lifestyle blog that you love to pull recipes from, or even a fashion blog that you lean on to compile your wardrobe, let your people know.

Here are 10 of my faves!

  • Favorite Newsletters You’re Subscribed To

Same goes for newsletters. I’m super picky about who I let into my inbox (maybe you are too!), so when I find a newsletter that I love to stay subscribed to, I want to shout it from the rooftops. 

And that’s exactly what I did in this blog post

If you have your faves, tell your audience about them – if they follow you, chances are they enjoy the same type of content as you, so make sure they know where to find it!

  • Podcasts You Can’t Stop Listening To

In the same vein of your favorite blogs and newsletters to read, don’t forget about the podcasts you can’t stop listening to. 

While I’m more of a reader when it comes to content, soooo many people prefer to listen and if that’s you, make sure you tell your people what deserves a moment in their AirPods!

And remember: not everything has to be business related. If you’re a true crime junkie and have all the recs for that, by all means list ‘em out! 

  • Your Business Origin Story

As a business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in the content that you think your audience wants to see – like the education and tangible tips – but most of the time, more than anything, your audience simply wants to connect. 

This is why I always encourage everyone to include a “personal” or “lifestyle” blog content pillar so you feel free to create ANY type of content while making sure it has an appropriate place to live on your website.

A great low lift blog topic that connects with your audience in this way is the origin story of your business. How did you get started? What were you doing before you got here? What challenges did you face along the way? 

Sharing this story can humanize your brand in a way you’ve never done before and really help people understand more of where you came from!

  • Day In The Life

Speaking of that personal or lifestyle blog content pillar, people LOVE a good behind the scenes situation. BTS style content is super popular on social media, but is often overlooked in the writing space.

As a blog writer, one of my favorite things to do is to think about how social media concepts can also be brought into long form content and sharing a written form of A Day In The Life can be just as intriguing as watching a TikTok about it.

Because I don’t know about you, but I’m not made for the daily vlog lifestyle – I’ve gotta give it to those girlies because that is another type of WERK. I’ll stick to writing!

  • Favorite Productivity or Time Management Tools

If there’s anything business owners love, it’s a good productivity or time management tool (at least I do!) and most of us have an arsenal full of our favorites. 

Mine include the Pomodoro timer, Notion, Google Calendar, and formerly the Full Focus Planner (I go back and forth between using and not using a paper planner – right now, I’m not using one, but when I do, that’s my pick). 

Even with an arsenal full of favorites already, I’m always intrigued by what everyone else is using, so content like this always catches my eye and probably does for your audience too!

And if productivity or time management tools don’t fit your brand, that’s cool – think about a list of things that DO and create a blog post around those instead.  

  • Tools or Platforms Your Business Can’t Live Without

There’s a plethora of tools and platforms out there to help you run your business and for someone that’s new to the world of business or trying to figure out which platform is right for them, it can feel super overwhelming. 

Instead of researching all the different possibilities, it’s much easier to turn to someone they already follow and trust to get insights from – and that can be you!

Spill the tea on how you keep your business running with your audience.

What platform do you use for invoicing? (Honeybook is my fave!)

What’s the best email marketing platform? (FloDesk gets my vote!)

Have a rec for contracts? (Here’s mine!)

What about a solution for stock photos? (Hello HauteStock!)

  • Top ___ Best Investments You’ve Ever Made (Personally or Professionally)

People want to invest in people who also invest in themselves (and their business), so make it known to your audience how you do just that. 

Whether it’s personal investments, like seeing a weekly therapist or a grocery delivery service, or professional investments, like hiring a bookkeeper or Pinterest manager, let your people know how you invest in yourself and in your business.

Not only does this convey transparency, but it also serves as an additional list of resources for your audience and gives you an opportunity to hype other business owners up!

Speaking of investments, here are the best ones I made in 2023 and 2024!

  • An Inside Look To Your Client Process

As mentioned above, people often love a behind the scenes moment and nothing is more BTS than giving an up close and personal look into your client process. 👀

The cool part about this blog topic is that while it’s low lift for you (because you’re really just writing out the process that you already have figured out), it can also serve as sales content for potential clients or customers. 

With this blog topic, you’re informally walking people through what it’s like to work with you, which could be the very thing someone who is interested in working with you needs. Not everyone wants to ask the question, “what does your process look like?”, but you never know when someone might be wondering it. 

So why not create a piece of content just for that that can live on your website forever?! 

And there ya have it – 10 low lift blog topic ideas for those seasons of life and business where you’re feeling overwhelmed with your content and you need something less demanding. 

Remember: low lift topics don’t make your content any less valuable for your audience! They can be JUST as valuable while also giving you a chance to recharge your creativity muscle and take the pressure off when you need to – kind of like I decided to do during my maternity leave

If you’re in search of other blog topic ideas to add to your blog content calendar, CLICK HERE!

New to my world? Nice to virtually meet ya. 👋 I’m Natalie, but everyone calls me Natty (you can too) – blog and email writer for creative business owners and service providers. 

If you like what you read and want more, there’s a few ways we can stay connected:

💌 Get a Note From Natty straight to your inbox every Friday morning featuring a weekly digest full of stories, biz and blog writing tips, and a round up of the latest at Natty Writes!

🗞️ Binge the blog for a mix of blog and email writing tips, how-to’s for blogging in your business, tangible resources, and of course a little bit of BTS of a blog writer’s life along the way.

⚒️ Browse the tools, recs, and resources that I personally (and professionally) couldn’t live without. 

✍🏼 Join the Writer’s Room Waitlist to be the next to know when the BEST (yes, I’m biased) done-with-you writing membership is back open for enrollment.

🖥️ If you’re in need of some blog content in your business, or are simply curious about what that would look like, check my services here.

👋 And if you just wanna say heyyyy, follow me on the ‘gram and send me a DM!


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