3 Ways to Properly Promote Your Blog Posts After You Press "Publish"
You often hear people say that having blogs as a key part of your content marketing strategy means you will boost your SEO (search engine optimization) and rank higher on Google, thus generating more traffic to your website.
While blogs are definitely a key factor in boosting your SEO, if you’re *only* blogging for this reason, you’re missing out on so many opportunities with your CURRENT audience.
In this blog post I share 5 reasons you should NOT have a blog in your business and the #1 reason that I list is: if you’re not willing to strategically promote your blogs after publishing.
Here’s why I say that: I never want someone to believe that simply posting blogs is the magic pill for more traffic to your website.
As you consistently publish blogs on your website, yes you will likely improve your SEO rankings, but I believe that blogs are for WAYYYY more than just that.
If you’re spending your time and energy writing and publishing blog posts in your business and not TELLING your people about it, you’re missing out.
Writing and posting your blog post is only one piece of the puzzle! The other piece is intentionally and strategically driving your audience to your blog to receive the ultimate value that you have to offer.
If promoting your blog posts after you press “publish” tends to be a struggle for you, there’s 3 main ways I would encourage you to do this. ⬇️
How To Properly Promote Your Blog Posts After You Press “Publish”
Email Newsletter
First and foremost, email.
Just like you OWN your blog content, meaning it’s on a platform that you have ultimate control over (your website), you also own your email content.
If you’re creating consistent blog content, one of the best ways to drive your audience to read that content is through an email newsletter or some sort of consistent email communication.
Research has shown that email generates 174% more total conversions than social media posts and the “conversion” in this case is someone clicking through to read your blog post when you tell them to!
When done consistently, email creates a deeper relationship with your audience than social media ever can, so using email marketing to promote your blog is a solid move.
The way you do this can look different for everyone, but generally speaking I see two main routes that people take:
A weekly plain text email that has an overarching message and valuable takeaways that ultimately drives readers to their blog post for more.
A true newsletter style weekly email that’s structured the same way each week and the blog is linked somewhere in the newsletter content each time. This is the route I’ve personally chosen with Notes From Natty!
Whichever format you choose is up to you and either way can work. The point is that you are communicating with your list on a consistent basis and ultimately driving them to your blog for your best pieces of content.
If you’re new to email marketing, click here to learn how to start and grow your email list in 3 easy steps!
If you’ve been in the email game, but want to level up your approach, click here to learn how to write emails that people actually want to read!
If you want to get started with email marketing in your business, but don’t want to do it alone, DM me here with the keyword ‘EMAIL 💌’ to see how we can work together!
Next up, Pinterest.
Many people think that Pinterest is just another social media platform, but the truth is that Pinterest is actually a visual search engine.
This means that Pinterest works similarly to Google and people can find your content through search with keywords when you utilize the platform correctly!
If you’re already consistently blogging in your business and want to increase traffic to your website, Pinterest should be one of your besties (like top friends list on Myspace worthy).
Unlike the most popular social media platforms, like Instagram, Pinterest WANTS to refer people to your website and vanity metrics, such as follower count and engagement, don’t matter as much as it does on Instagram or TikTok.
So instead of being consumed with those metrics, you can simply focus on creating fresh Pins that link directly to your blog and know that you are taking action to boost your website traffic and blog readership.
(If you want a deeper dive into the differences between Pinterest and Instagram, click here!)
Similar to blogging in general, Pinterest is a long game marketing approach that can continue to serve you for years to come, so if you want to work smarter not harder when it comes to your content, first: start blogging regularly, and second: promote your blogs on Pinterest!
If you’re new to Pinterest and aren’t sure where to start, I like to learn all things Pinterest from Sarah Burk.
Social Media
Lastly, social media.
This one is probably the most obvious, but surprisingly this is an area that I see a lot of people underutilize when it comes to their blog content. Here’s why:
More often than not, people tend to view their different channels as completely separate entities. Sort of like this ⬇️
This means that they are creating different content for each channel instead of viewing it like this ⬇️
Your blog content, email content and social media content should all be married! 💍
This means that every single time you publish a new blog, your social media audience should know about it.
Whether it’s done through a feed post, stories or both, you want to make sure that you are telling people about your most recent blog post.
The people who are currently following you on social media have followed you for a reason - they WANT to learn from you.
And if you treat your blog as the place that has the ultimate value you can offer, it’s your duty to tell your people about it!
A good rule of thumb that I like to follow is to post at least one feed post (either a video or a graphic) every time a new blog post is published.
In addition to that, I’ll also jump on stories to talk about one main point from the blog itself and then drive people to the post to learn more and include the link so they can easily click!
Here’s a few of my own feed post examples so you can see this in action:
Overall, your blog content shouldn’t be viewed as something that you write, publish and then leave in the hands of the Internet wizards to promote for you.
Instead it should be something that is a core part of your content marketing strategy that your audience is aware of.
When you start to treat your blog content as a main character in your business, you can experience the “work smarter, not harder” feeling around your content as a whole!
If you want to get started with blogs in your business, but you have no clue where to start, CLICK HERE for the Beginner’s Guide to Blogging In Your Business - a step by step 30 page guide to help you create your blog content plan and write your first blog post!